Justin Ho
SOLAS International Project Office

- SOLAS International Project Office
- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0) 1603 59 1628
Research Profile
I completed my undergraduate studies at James Cook University and The University of Tasmania in Australia. My research to date has mainly focussed on the environmental impacts of land based aqaculture. This research wazs conducted at CSIRO Marine Research in Hobart Tasmania in conjunction with the University of Tasmania and several industry partners. The results of my PhD project have been important in planning the expansion of land based aquaculture facilities and is the only comprehensive study of the environmental impacts of abalone farming on the near-shore environment.
Since completing my PhD I have worked in Vietnam as an Australian Youth Ambassador for Development. Working for the Australian government, I directly assisted the Vietnamese government at the Institute of Oceanography with issues of environmental impact assessment and coastal zone management. Along with these roles I also took on the task of capacity building by running workshops for local scientists on the topics of research proposal writing, presentations, scientific writing and statistics.
Since leaving Vietnam I have been working as an independent consultant on projects involving characterising the environmental impacts of shellfish farming.
I now work for SOLAS as a Project Officer and assist co-ordinating the day to day management of the International Program.