- Bjerknes Center for Climate Research
- Allegaten 55
- Bergen
- 5007
- Norway
- +47 55584327
About Me
Truls Johannsen works as a scientist for a research group in chemical oceanography at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen where he received an MSc and PhD in Marine Geology.
As part of the SOLAS SSC, Truls is also the co-Chair of the SOLAS/IMBER carbon group, the Chair of the SOLAS implementation group on carbon and a member of the IOCCP committee. These responsibilities follow a devout career within the SOLAS field, as a Chair for the Norweigen SOLAS initiative, and the position of the Chair of the National Committee for JGOFS, NGOFS.
His current research revolves around the assessment of marine carbon sources and sinks; the effects of North Atlantic Climate Variability and carbon flux and feedback within the Barents Sea ecosystem; and the Ocean Abyssal Carbon Experiment.