- Graduate Program in Disaster and Emergency Management
- York University, Toronto
- 4700 Keele Street
- Toronto
- Ontario
- Canada
Research Profile
Dr. Rifaat Abdalla is a Defence Scientist with Defence R&D Canada and an Adjunct Professor at the newly established Disaster and Emergency Management Graduate Program, York University. He holds a PhD in Geomatics from the Center for Research in Earth and Space Science, York University, Canada and a Masters of Applied Science in Environmental Systems Engineering from the University of Regina, Canada.
Dr. Abdalla research program focuses on the applications of GIS in disaster and emergency management. Dr. Abdalla has published extensively in WebGIS and was the recipient of the 2008 ESRI best scientific paper in GIS Award, presented by the American Soceity for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). He is also a recipient of 2009 best paper award presented by the International Conference on the Advanced GeoInformation and Web Services.
Dr. Abdalla has collaboratively written over 7 book chapters in the area of the applications of GIS in disaster management. He is a Professional Geoscientist and a certified GIS professional.
Call for Papers:
1— IEEE Toronto International Conference:
2— International Journal of Earth Observation
special Issue on Geospatial Technologies
for Disaster Management