- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- University Plain
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44
Environmental influences on physical activity
Email: j.panter ‘at’ uea.ac.uk
Background and experience
After completing a Bsc in Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in 2005, Jenna worked as a Research Associate in the School on a project which examined the importance of green spaces for physical activity. This project made use of her geography background, in particular her skills in GIS and was funded by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE). Following this, she worked on a large collaborative project alongside researchers from the School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice at UEA and the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge. This project, known as the SPEEDY study (Sport, Physical activity and Eating behaviour: Environmental Determinants in Young people), investigated the social and environmental determinants of physical activity and bodyweight in over 2000 Norfolk school– aged children. During her time at UEA, Jenna has also collaborated with academics from the University of Oxford and the University of Bristol and has co-authored a key British Government Foresight report on the Obesogenic Environment.
Current Work
Jenna is in the second year of her PhD and is supervised by Dr Andy Jones, Prof Graham Bentham (UEA), Dr Esther Van Sluijs and Dr Simon Griffin (MRC Epidemiology Unit). Her work aims to improve current understanding of active commuting, with an emphasis on how individual and environmental factors act together to influence behaviour. Understanding these processes are the first steps in developing interventions to increase the number of children engaging in active travel. Her work aims to use data collected as part of the SPEEDY study, to explore the associations between attitudes, perceptions and objective measures of environment and active travel behaviours.
More about my PhD
Research Affiliation
Zuckerman Institute for Connective Environmental
Research (ZICER). http://www.uea.ac.uk/zicer/
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Panter, J.R., Jones, A.P., Attitudes and the environment as determinants of active travel in adults: What do and don't we know? JPAH, In Press
Jones, A.P., Bentham, G., Hillsdon, M., Foster, C., Panter, J., (2007) Obesogenic Environments Evidence Review: Foresight Tackling Obesities (Long Review)