- Laboratory of Plant Physiology
- University of Groningen
- Kerklaan 30
- NN Haren
- 9751
- Netherlands
Research Profile
Jacqueline Stefels received her MSc on eutrophication in the North Sea from the University of Amsterdam, and her PhD on DMS and DMSP production by marine phytoplankton at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. She has devoted her career to the marine sulphur cycle and has collaborated in several national and international projects; a.o. she coordinated the EU-project Entangled Sulphur and Carbon cycles in Phaeocystis dominated Ecosystems. With the set-up of a new lab at the University of Groningen, she is currently exploring the use of stable isotopes and mass spectrometry to measure rate parameters in the production and conversion of DMS(P). She was involved in the writing of two major review papers, with the aim of serving the climate-modellers community with the best possible description of processes from an experimentalist point of view. This effort resulted in the participation of the SOLAS-CODiM working group. She was organizer and co-organizer of several international symposia, a.o. the 2nd International Symposium on DMS(P) and related compounds and a SCOR Symposium on Phaeocystis. As a marine ecophysiologist, she is dedicated to the interdisciplinary field of oceanography, with a keen interest in polar pelagic and sea-ice ecosystems.