- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0)
Email: g.seyfang“at“uea.ac.uk
As an environmental social scientist working on sustainable development, I have studied and worked in both the School of Development Studies, and the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA. My research focuses on questions of consumption, lifestyles and community-based action to reduce ecological footprints. It has included empirical studies of grassroots sustainability initiatives such as complementary currencies (Local Exchange Trading Schemes, Time Banks, and carbon currencies), microcredit, local organic food systems, low-impact eco-housing (strawbale building and Earthships). I have developed themes of ‘new economics’ and ‘localisation’ around consumption issues, which explicitly aim to reduce carbon emissions and material flows (food miles, the zero-carbon house, sustainable consumption).
At the same time, I have been examining ‘ecological citizenship’ which entails collective action to formulate innovative socio-economic institutions and infrastructure for sustainable development. Currently I am taking this agenda forward with a focus on carbon mitigation and management, to develop an integrated programme of research which holistically appraises a range of socio-technological innovations to reduce carbon emissions. In 2007 I was awarded a prestigious RCUK Academic Fellowship in Carbon Mitigation and Management, which will allow me to develop a research programme and group around ‘Low Carbon Lifestyles’ over five years, and will lead to a permanent faculty position within the school. I am also editor of International Journal of Community Currency Research.
Significant Publications
Seyfang, G. (2006). Sustainable Consumption, the New Economics and Community Currencies: developing new institutions for environmental governance. Regional Studies 40(7): 781–791, doi: 10.1080/9173
Seyfang, G. (2006). Ecological Citizenship and Sustainable Consumption: Examining local food networks. Journal of Rural Studies 22(4): 385–395, doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2006.01.003
Seyfang, G. (2005). Shopping for Sustainability: Can sustainable consumption promote ecological citizenship? Environmental Politics 14(2): 290–306, doi: 10.1080/5209
Seyfang, G. (2004). Consuming Values and Contested Cultures: A Critical Analysis of the UK Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production. Review of Social Economy 62(3): 323–338, doi: 10.1080/253936
Seyfang, G. (2001). Community Currencies: Small Change for a Green Economy. Environment and Planning A 33(6): 975–996, doi: 10.1068/a33216
Jenkins, R., R. Pearson, and G. Seyfang (eds) (2002). Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy (Earthscan, London)