- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- T: +44
Email: f.hatton“at“uea.ac.uk
After completing a B.A. Hons. in Geography at University College London, I undertook an M.Sc. in Public Understanding of Environmental Change at UCL, focusing on communicating issues of climate change and encouraging more sustainable lifestyles. In my M.Sc. research I adopted a psychoanalytic perspective to investigate whether an ‘environmental double bind’ may be affecting people’s (un)willingness to adopt environmentally friendly behaviours. My PhD considered individuals who choose to partially withdraw from society and instead live in low-impact intentional communities. My research, consisting of six months of participant observation in a low-impact intentional community in South-West Wales, explored how, in their daily lives, residents are rejecting mainstream consumers society’s value structure, rebuilding social capital and cohesion and re-defining notions of the good life.
Most recently I have taken up my current position of Lecturer in Environmental Social Science in ENV at UEA, where I teach modules on environment and society, sustainable consumption, and qualitative methods.
Alongside my lecturing and research, I campaign on climate change issues with Rising Tide and the Network for Climate Action.