- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0)
Email: a.woodsworth“at“uea.ac.uk
I am currently working on my PhD on the politics and practice of participation and movement building in UK climate action networks. Through collaborative insider ethnography, and with a particular focus on social practice and group dynamics, my research explores the experience of getting involved in climate activism, the ways in which experienced activists interact with newcomers to their movement, and the politics which underpin these practices.
In conjunction with my research, I am currently a climate campaigner involved in Rising Tide and the Camp for Climate Action. Previously I have worked in environmental communications at Global Action Plan, as a campaigner with the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, and as a research assistant at the Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Law and Politics at the University of Victoria (Canada). I completed a B.A. Hons. in Geography at the University of Victoria, and an M.Sc. in Public Understanding of Environmental Change in the Department of Geography at University College London.