Katy Appleton
University of East Anglia
Landscape visualisation for environmental management purposes

Jenni Barclay
University of East Anglia
Volcanic risk communication and risk reducing behaviour.

Graham Bentham
University of East Anglia
Effects of environmental conditions on health; climate change and health. Positive and negative effects of exposure to sunlight. Environmental influences on physical activity and obesity.

Alan Bond
University of East Anglia
Environmental Impact Assessment; Strategic Environmental Assessment; Sustainability Appraisal; Health Impact Assessment; effectiveness of assessment tools.

Andres Bucio
University of East Anglia
Intellectual property rights, disruptive technologies and Sustainability

Jacquie Burgess
University of East Anglia
Social and cultural dimensions of environmental change; new generation analytic-deliberative processes; sustainable consumption; reducing the environmental impacts of normal social practices.

Emma Coombes
University of East Anglia
The role of the environment in determining physical activity levels in school children.
Amii Darnell
University of East Anglia
Use of GIS for Volcanic Risk Assessment and Communication

Frida Guiza-Valverde
University of East Anglia
Community vulnerability and resilience to natural disasters.
Tom Hargreaves
University of East Anglia
Individuals’ challenges in maintaining commitments to sustainability within everyday lives.
Flo Harrison
University of East Anglia
Effects of the school environment on body mass index in children

Robin Haynes
University of East Anglia
Health; the effects of geographical accessibility on health and health service use; geographical inequalities in health and the influence of environmental risk factors.

Po-Han Hsu
University of East Anglia
Natalia Jones
University of East Anglia
Environmental determinants of physical activity in children and adults
Chomphoo Kaewprasert
University of East Anglia
Education for sustainable development in Thailand, ‘citizen science’.

Iain Lake
University of East Anglia
Environment, weather and health; climate change and health; water supply; Geographical Information Systems
Irene Lorenzoni
University of East Anglia
Individual and institutional responses to energy issues and climate change, environmental policy and politics.

Andrew Lovett
University of East Anglia
Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical methods in the environmental sciences, particularly with respect to landscape planning and visualisation; the geography of health; environmental economics and waste management.

Alice Moncaster
University of East Anglia
Sustainable buildings, concentrating in particular on the Building Schools for the Future programme. Social and technical influences on whole life energy cost in particular, during the procurement, design and construction phases.

Jenna Panter
MRC Epidemiology Unit
Environmental influences of physical activity, GIS.
Tee Rogers-Hayden
University of East Anglia
Science-society relationships; (re)definitions and (re)negotiations of risk and risk issues between various actors, and the effects of these.

Gill Seyfang
University of East Anglia
Sustainable consumption, lifestyles and community-based action to reduce ecological footprints.

Peter Simmons
University of East Anglia
Socio-cultural perspectives on public understanding of risk, science and technology; participatory decision-making on risk; institutional and organisational responses to risk.
Anesh Sukhai
University of East Anglia
Environmental determinants of road traffic injuries in South Africa.