Valerie Livina
Postdoctoral Research Associate

- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
Research interests
In my PhD research at Bar-Ilan University (Israel), I studied river flux, precipitations, and earthquake statistics, applying fluctuation analysis (DFA, ACF, and power spectrum).
As a postdoc at UEA, I am working on developing statistical methods for detecting bifurcations in climatic time series. Preliminary results were published in GRL paper (2007), and now I am working on the extended method, involving estimation of the noise level and potential shape of the system from its time series (one paper is submitted and another one in preparation).
In 2008, I received a NERC grant as a researcher co-investigator (PI Prof. Tim Lenton) “Detecting and classifying bifurcations in the climate system”.
In October 2009, I was awarded AXA Postdoctoral Fellowship.