The Earth System Science Group, led by Tim Lenton focuses on understanding the Earth as a whole system, comprising of life and its environment, including the atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, land surface, ice sheets, and crustal rocks.
Our research interests span the full range of Earth system timescales, from the formation of the planet 4.6 billion years ago to current and future human-induced global change.
Our primary research tools are a spectrum of Earth system and smaller models, which we are actively developing. We use the models with available data to test hypotheses about Earth system function.
We are particularly interested in the ongoing co-evolution of life and the environment, sketched out in the figure on the right from one of our recent publications.
Don’t forget to check our vacancies page if you’d like to work / do a PhD within the group.
To see Tim Lenton’s Charles Lyell Award lecture to the BA Festival of Science 2006 titled ‘How Stable is Planet Earth?’ click here.