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Hywel Williams's resources
- Wood et al., 2008
Daisyworld: a review, Reviews of Geophysics, 46, RG1001
- wood_etal_2008.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Evolution of environmental regulation in a simulated network of microbial ecosystems
- Talk given at the Daisyworld/MEP workshop, Lisbon, 8-9 September 2007.
- Williams_Lisbon_2007.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Lenton, 2007
Environmental regulation in a simulated network of microbial ecosystems, Poster presentation at the Natural Complexity workshop at the British Antarctic Survey, 13-17 August 2007.
- natComPoster4.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Unknown author, 2008
Environmental regulation in a network of simulated microbial ecosystems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 7
- PNAS-2008-Williams-0800244105.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Tian 2006
- Tian_EcologicalModelling_2006.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Boyle et al., 2007
Neoproterozoic "snowball Earth" glaciations and the evolution of altruism, Geobiology, 5, (4), 337-349
- richtimhywelfinal.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Klausmeier et al 2008
- klausmeier_et_al_2008.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Lenton, 2007
Microbial Gaia: a new model for the evolution of environmental regulation, Gaia Circular, 2007, Geological Society of London
- GaiaCircular_07_lo-res.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Lenton, 2007
Artificial ecosystem selection for evolutionary optimisation, In: F. Almeida e Costa et al. (Eds.) Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Artificial Life, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 93-102
- williamsLentonECAL2007cameraReady.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Noble, 2005
Homeostatic plasticity improves signal propagation in continuous-time recurrent neural networks,
- williamsIPCAT05.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams, 2004
Homeostatic plasticity in recurrent neural networks, In: Schaal, S., Ijspeert, A., Billard, A., Vijayakumar, S., Hallam, J., and Meyer, J-A. (eds.) From Animals to Animats 8: Proceedings of the 8th Intl. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Eds: , MIT Press: Cambridge, MA
- sab04.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Lenton, 2007
Artificial selection of simulated microbial ecosystems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, (21), 8918-8923
- 8918.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams, 2006
Homeostatic Adaptive Networks, PhD Thesis, University of Leeds, Leeds
- finalThesis.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams, 2005
Homeostatic plasticity improves continuous-time recurrent neural networks as a behavioural substrate, In: Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM 2005)
- williamsAmam05.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams, 2006
Does global niche construction lead to environmental regulation?, Proceedings of Workshop on Modelling Environment Construction, Tenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE X)
- abstract.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Microbial Gaia: A new model for the evolution of environmental regulation
- gaiaCirc.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- ECAL Supporting Method
- ECALsupportingMethod.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Noble, 2005
Evolution and the regulation of environmental variables, In: Capcarrere, M.S., Freitas, A.A., Bentley, P.J., Johnson, C.G., and Timmis, J. (Eds.) Advances in Artificial Life: Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2005), Springer, Berlin
- ecal2005.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Noble, 2007
Homeostatic plasticity improves signal propagation in continuous-time recurrent neural networks, Biosystems, 87, (2-3), 252-259
- biosystems2007.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
- Williams and Lenton, 2007
Artificial selection of simulated microbial ecosystems, Poster presentation at EPSRC/BICS Workshop "Mathematical Models and Experimental Microbial Systems: Tools for Studying Evolution", University of Bath, 5-7 June 2007
- bics4.pdf
- Originator: Hywel Williams
Images / graphics
- Cyberneticians
- W. Ross Ashby, Warren McCulloch, Grey Walter, Norbert Wiener in Paris, 1953.
- weiner.jpg
- Originator: Hywel Williams
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