- Tyndall Centre
- School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
- University of Manchester
- Floor H Pariser Building
- Manchester
- M60 1QD
- +44 (0) 161 3063715
PhD Research: Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emission Reduction in Norfolk
The study provides qualitative and quantitative information on the contribution that Norfolk’s local authorities can make to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from their locality and the potential co-benefits and trade-offs with air pollutant emissions. The study comprises;
1. A spatially resolved emissions inventory (of Norfolk) to produce a baseline of greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions and their sources
2. A series of emission scenarios expressed qualitatively
3. A quantitative assessment of the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of these scenarios and their impact on air pollutants for three sectors – municipal waste disposal, road transport and domestic heating provision.
The presentations and information provided at the seminar “Addressing Air Quality and Climate Change in Norfolk” can be found below.
For further information on the emissions inventory including the inventory files please contact me directly on ruth.wood manchester.ac.uk – note you will need CERC‘s Emission Inventory Programme EMIT or ADMS to use the inventory and a GIS package to view and manipulate the emission maps.
1) A brief summary of the main results and conclusions from the assessment of emission reduction options for the waste management, road transport and domestic heating sectors.
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2) The results of an emissions inventory of air pollutants and greenhouse gases from sources within Norfolk in 2003 spatially resolved to a 1×1km grid.
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3) The presentation “Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality in Norfolk: What contribution can Local Authorities make to Emission Reduction? given on the 29th October.
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4) The presentation given by Lorraine Whitmarsh “Public Engagement in Climate Change and Sustainable Transport” on the 29th October.
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5) A report for the LGAR on Local Government action on Climate Change Co-authored with Anthony Footitt and John Turnpenny.
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