- Centre for Atmospheric Science
- Chemistry
- University of Cambridge
- Lensfield Road
- Cambridge
- CB2 1EW
- UK
- +44 (0)1223 763 814
Paul Telford
I am a research associate in John Pyle’s group in the Centre for Atmospheric Science in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. I am working with a ‘nudged version’ of the UKCA, the new UK community atmospheric chemistry-aerosol global model. The nudged version contains a module that nudges the model towards analysis data of the atmosphere which can be used to help validate the model.
I graduated from the University of Manchester with a PhD in High Energy Physics.
Papers, Posters and Talks
The following list contains a selection of work describing the nudged model
- Talk given at the Royal Meteorological Society meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2007
- Technical Note accepted by ACPD, November 2007
- Poster displayed at the NCAS Staff Meeting, York, England December 2007
A complete list of papers, posters and talks can be found here