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Mark Naylor

Scottish Government and Royal Society of Edinburgh Personal Research Fellow

Papers and Absracts


Naylor, M. (2004) A discrete element model of orogenesis [Chapters 1-5][Chapters 6-8][Appendix]


For a more complete list of citing papers follow the links below,
The citations have been compiled using ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar and known papers in press. Since 2005 these give:
h-factor = 8 ; Total citations = 145

Conference papers and book chapters are coloured in blue.

  1. 2012
  2. I.G. Main and M. Naylor , (In Press) Extreme events and predictability of catastrophic failure in composite materials and in the Earth, in "Discussion and Debate: From Black Swans to Dragon Kings. Is There Life Beyond Power Laws?" European Physical Journal Special Topic
  3. M. Jin, G. Pickup, E. Mackay, A. Todd, A. Monaghan and M. Naylor, (Accepted) Static and dynamic estimates of CO2 storage capacity in saline formations, SPE Journal
  4. Sinclair, H.D. & Naylor, M., (2012) Foreland Basin Subsidence and the growth of mountain ranges, Geological Society of America Bulletin, March, v. 124, no. 3-4, p. 549-577, doi:10.1130/B30385.1
    [Paper and abstract]
  5. Martin Smith, Mike Edwards, Jon Ford, David Lawrence, David McInroy, Alison Monaghan, M. Naylor (2012) Defining the store, in Risk and uncertainty CO2 aquifer storage site evaluation and Monitoring
    CASSEM Book

  6. J. Douglas Zechar, Jeanne L. Hardebeck, Andrew J. Michael, Mark Naylor, Sandy Steacy, Stefan Wiemer, Jiancang Zhuang, and the CORSSA working group, (2011) Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis, Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 82, No. 5, doi:10.1785/gssrl.82.5.688
  7. Bell, A. F., M. Naylor, M. J. Heap, and I. G. Main (2011), Forecasting volcanic eruptions and other material failure phenomena: An evaluation of the failure forecast method, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L15304, doi:10.1029/2011GL048155.
  8. Main, I.G., M. Naylor, J. Greenhough, S. Touati & A.F. Bell J. McCloskey (2011). Model selection and uncertainty in earthquake hazard analysis,in Köhler & Nishijima (eds), Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering Faber, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-66986-3, pp. 735-743.
  9. M. Naylor, Wilkinson, M. and Haszeldine, R.S., (2011) Calculation of CO2 column heights from known pre-production gas column heights in depleted gas fields, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 28, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 1083-1093 doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2010.10.005
    [Abstract and paper]
  10. S. Touati, M. Naylor, I.G. Main and M. Christie (2011) Masking of earthquake triggering behaviour by a high spontaneous rate and implications for ETAS inversions, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, B03304, 16 PP., doi:10.1029/2010JB007544
  11. G. E. Pickup, M. Jin, P. Olden, E. Mackay, A.C. Todd, J.R. Ford, D. Lawrence, A. Monaghan, M. Naylor, R.S. Haszeldine and M. Smith (2011) Geological storage of CO2: site appraisal and modelling, Energy Procedia, 4 doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.440
    [Abstract and paper]
  12. Eke, P.E., Naylor, M., Haszeldine, S., and Curtis, A. (2011) CO2/Brine Surface Dissolution and Injection: CO2 Storage Enhancement. SPE Proj Fac & Const 6 (1): 41-53. SPE-124711-PA. doi: 10.2118/124711-PA.
  13. Naylor, M., K. Orfanogiannaki, and D. Harte (2010), Exploratory data analysis: magnitude, space, and time, Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis, doi:10.5078/corssa-92330203. Available at http://www.corssa.org.
    [Abstract and paper]
  14. Main, I.G & Naylor, M., (2010) Entropy production, self-organisation, and criticality in natural and model earthquake populations, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 13 vol. 368 no. 1910 131-144 doi: 10.1098/rsta.2009.0206
    [Abstract and paper]
  15. M. Jin, G. Pickup, E. Mackay, A. Todd, A. Monaghan and M. Naylor, Static and dynamic estimates of CO2 storage capacity in saline formations, SPE 131609
    [Abstract and paper]

  16. Naylor, M., J. Greenhough, J. McCloskey, A.F. Bell, and I.G. Main (2009), Statistical evaluation of characteristic earthquakes in the frequency-magnitude distributions of Sumatra and other subduction zone regions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L20303, doi:10.1029/2009GL040460.
  17. Hein, A.S., Hulton, N.R.J., Dunai, T.J., Schnabel, C., Kaplan, M.R., Naylor, M. and Xu, S. (2009) Middle Pleistocene glaciation in Patagonia dated by cosmogenic-nuclide measurements on outwash gravels, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 286, Issues 1-2, Pages 184-197 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.06.026
    [Abstract and paper]
  18. Eke, P.E., Naylor, M. , Haszeldine, R.S. and Curtis, A. (2009) CO2-Brine Surface Dissolution and Injection: CO2 Leakage Risk Mitigation SPE 124711, September (Conference paper)
  19. Touati, S., Naylor, M. & Main, I.G., (2009) Origin and nonuniversality of the earthquake interevent time distribution, Physical Review Letters 102, 168501 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.168501
    [Abstract and paper]
  20. Naylor, M., Main, I.G. & Touati, S. (2009) Quantifying uncertainty in mean earthquake interevent times for a finite sample, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B01316, doi:10.1029/2008JB005870
    [Abstract and paper]
  21. Main, I.G. & Naylor, M., (2008) Maximum entropy production and earthquake dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 35, L19311, doi:10.1029/2008GL035590
    [Chosen as a GRL Editors' Highlight] [Abstract and paper]
  22. Naylor, M. & Sinclair, H. D., (2008) Pro- vs. retro-foreland basins, Basin Research, Vol. 20, issue 3 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00366.x
    [Abstract and paper]
  23. Naylor, M. & Main, I.G., (2008) Cell scale self-organisation in the OFC model: Painting by numbers, re-rupturing and memory loss, Eur. Phys. J. B 64, 139–146, doi:10.1140/epjb/e2008-00279-5
    [Abstract and paper]
  24. Main, I.G., Li, L., McCloskey, J. and Naylor, M. (2008) Effect of the Sumatran mega-earthquake on the global magnitude cut-off and event rate, Nature Geoscience 1 142 doi:10.1038/ngeo141
    [Link to Issue] , [Article (Requires subscription)]
  25. Naylor M, Sinclair H (2007) Punctuated thrust deformation in the context of doubly vergent thrust wedges: Implications for the localization of uplift and exhumation. Geology: Vol. 35, No. 6 pp. 559–562, doi: 10.1130/G23448A.1
  26. Cowie, P.A., Attal, M., Tucker, G.E., Whittaker, A.C., Naylor, M., Ganas, A., and Roberts, G.P., (2006) Investigating the surface process response to fault interaction and linkage using a numerical modelling approach, Basin Research 18, 231–266, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2006.00298.x
    [PDF copy]
  27. Naylor, M., Sinclair, H. D., Willett, S. & Cowie, P., (2005) A discrete element model for orogenesis and accretionary wedge growth. JGR, 110, B12403, doi:10.1029/2003JB002940
  28. Sinclair, H. D., Gibson, M, Naylor, M. & Morris, R. G., (2005) Asymmetric growth of the Pyrenees revealed through measurement and modelling of orogenic fluxes. American Journal of Science, Vol. 305, May, P.369-406

Pending Publications

  1. Andrew Bell, Sarah Touati, Mark Naylor and Ian Main, (Submitted to JGR) The structure of earthquake interevent-time distributions at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii
  2. Jerry Blackford, Neil Burnside, Caroline Hattam, Karen Kirk, Philip Maul, Mark Naylor, Steve Widdicombe, Ian Wright Seepage and leakage, effects, environmental impact in Geoscience of carbon dioxide (CO2) storage
  3. Kate Briggs, Mark Naylor, Peter Nienow, Quantification of spatio-temporal clustering of supraglacial lake drainage in Greenland
  4. Sinclair, H. D., Naylor, M., Kirstein, L.A., Carter, A., Stanton, S., Glotzbach, C., Bernet, M., van der Beek, P Real or apparent increases in late Cenozoic erosion rates from the European Alps?

Conference Abstracts

  1. Main, I G and Naylor, M Steady-state statistical mechanics of model and real earthquakes (Invited) NG44A-03 Fall AGU 2010
  2. Michael, A J, Wiemer, S, Zechar, J D, Hardebeck, J L, Naylor, M, Zhuang, J and Steacy, S Building the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis (CORSSA) S43D-01 Fall AGU 2011
  3. Mark Naylor, Sarah Touati, Ian Main, and Andrew Bell, Earthquake interevent time distributions reflect the proportion of dependent and independent events pairs and are therefore not universal, EGU2010-8699, Vienna
  4. Yusuke Kawada, Mark Naylor, Sarah Touati, and Ian Main, On the origin of power-law rheology during the evolution of damage EGU2010, Vienna
  5. Mark Naylor, Simon Mudd, and Kyungsoo Yoo, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Inversion of Hillslope Elevation and Soil Thickness Data for the Baselevel History, EGU2010-8745, Vienna
  6. Mark Naylor, Sarah Touati, Ian G. Main and Andrew F. Bell, Earthquake interevent time distributions reflect the proportion of dependent and independent events pairs and are therefore not universal, Chapman conference, India
  7. G. D. Nicoll, M. Naylor, A. J. Cavanagh, S. Geiger, R. S. Haszeldine, Could CO2 storage site performance be compromised by palaeo-gas migration conduits in the overburden?, Geological Society of London Conference: “Carbon Storage Opportunities in the North Sea” 24-25th. March 2010
  8. Min Jin, Gillian Pickup, Eric Mackay, Alison Monaghan and Mark Naylor, Static and Dynamic Estimates of CO2 Storage Capacity in Saline Formations, SPE EUROPEC, Barcelona, Spain 14-17 June 2010
  9. Touati, S., Naylor, M. and Main, I.G. The Origin of the Earthquake Inter-Event Time Distribution, The 6th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Lake Tahoe, 2009.
  10. Naylor, M., Main, I.G, Greenhough, J, Bell, A. & McCloskey, J., Evaluation of the statistical evidence for Characteristic Earthquakes in the frequency-magnitude distributions of Sumatra and other subduction zone regions, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9597, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009
  11. J. McCloskey, S.S. Nalbant, A. Bell, I.G. Main, and Naylor, M., Interseismic activity and the time stability of plate coupling constants west of Sumatra, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9731, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009
  12. J. McCloskey, S.S. Nalbant, A. Bell, I.G. Main ,Naylor, M., J Greenhough, and A. Antonioli, How well do the Mentawai corals constrain great historical earthquakes?, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9181, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009
  13. Main, I.G. and Naylor, M., Maximum entropy production as a driver for earthquake dynamics and implications for earthquake predictability, IASPEI 2009, Cape Town
  14. Naylor, M., Main, I.G. and Touati, S., Exploring the statistical convergence of earthquake inter-event times, AGU Fall Meeting, 2008
  15. Sinclair, H.D. and Naylor, M., Contrasting pro- and retro-foreland basins as records of orogenesis, AGU Fall Meeting, 2008
  16. Bell, A.F., Greenhough, J., Naylor, M., Main, I.G. and McCloskey, J., Earthquake processes and hazard along the Sunda megathrust: evaluating evidence for inter-plate coupling anomalies and characteristic earthquakes from the seismic catalogue, AGU Fall Meeting, 2008
  17. J. McCloskey, S. Nalbant, C. Kelly, A. Piatanesi, S. Lorito, F. Romano, A. Antonioli, M. Cocco, I. Main, A. Bell, M. Naylor and J. Greenhough, How well do the Mentawai corals constrain the 1797 tsunami?, AGU Fall Meeting, 2008
  18. Touati, S., Main, I.G. and Naylor, M., Quantifying uncertainty on mean earthquake inter-event times for a finite sample, ESF Research Conference: New Challenges In Earthquake Dynamics , Austria, 2008
  19. INVITED: Naylor, M., Main, I.G. & McCloskey, Finite sample effects and flutuations in b-value, SSA (2008)
  20. INVITED: Sinclair, H.D. & Naylor, M., Pro- versus retro-peripheral foreland basins as records of orogenesis
    GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28-31 October 2007) [abstract]
  21. Naylor, M. & Main, I.G., Predictability and statistical stability of the inter-event record in the OFC model
    Natural Complexity: Data and Theory in Dialogue, BAS, 2007
  22. Main, I.G., Naylor, M., Li, L. & McCloskey, J. Statistical mechanics and earthquake statistics, 28th Workshop of the International School of Geophysics (May 31 - June 6, 2007) p103
  23. Sinclair, H. D. & Naylor, M., Reconciling punctuated thrust deformation in the context of orogenesis: implications for the localization of uplift and exhumation
    AGU Fall 2006
  24. Naylor, M. & Main, I.G., Maximum entropy production in earthquake dynamics: Spatial Order and Temporal Unpredictability in the slider block model
    AGU Fall 2006
  25. Naylor, M. & Main, I.G., Maximum entropy production in earthquake dynamics: Analytic description and comparison with a modified OFC model.
    Scale Invariance in Geophysics, BGA metting, London, (March 9-10, 2006)
  26. Naylor, M. & Sinclair, H.D., The emergent natural variability of tectonic forcing on erosional denudation, EGU05-A-08499, Vienna, (April 23-30, 2005) [abstract]
  27. Cowie, P.A., Naylor, M. & Whittaker, A., A numerical investigation of drainage network evolution during fault initiation and linkage, AGU (Fall, 2004) [abstract]
  28. Naylor, M. Natural variability in the tectonic forcing of mountain landscapes. William Smith Meeting, Geological Society of London, London (October 4-5, 2004)
  29. Sinclair, H. D., Gibson, M., Naylor, M. and Morris, R. G., Growth of the Pyrenees: erosion, exhumation, sedimentation and modelling, EGU04-A-07493, [abstract]
  30. Naylor, M., Cowie, P.A., and Sinclair, H.D., Modelling of tectonic-surface process feedback on strain localisation during orogenesis using a discrete element model.
    Earth System Processes - Global Meeting, Edinburgh (June 24-28, 2001) [abstract]
  31. Cederbom, C., Naylor, M., Barfod, D., Sinclair, H.D., and Stuart, F., Tracing Cenozoic low-temperature events in Southern Sweden: the applicability of forward modelling apatite (U-Th)/He data.
    Earth System Processes - Global Meeting, Edinburgh (June 24-28, 2001) [abstract]

Cover illustration

Cowie, P.A., Attal, M., Tucker, G.E., Whittaker, A.C., Naylor, M., Ganas, A., and Roberts, G.P., Basin Research, March 2006 - Vol. 18 Issue 1
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