- Germany
Benjamin Rabe's Research Homepage
NOTE: This page is under development—in the meantime, you can visit www.benrabe.de
Research Interests:
Arctic freshwater-related processes
Autonomous profiling drifters (profiling floats, ice-based platforms)
Laboratory Flow Models
Ocean Assimilation Models
Shallow (sub)tropical circulation in the Atlantic
Strait Exchange Flow Processes
Current Research:
I am currently working at the “AWI for Polar and Marine Research” with focus on fresh water and ice related processes in the Arctic (see also “BMBF Cooperative Project North Atlantic”). Part of this work involves the use of Ice-tethered platforms (see at “WHOI” and “JAMSTEC” ). This work is linked to activities within “DAMOCLES” and the “International Polar Year (IPY)”.
Recent and Ongoing Research:
Previously, I was working at the IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel/Germany on the circulation of the (sub-)tropical Atlantic. Part of this is the deployment and analysis of APEX and NEMO profiling floats as part of the German ARGO and the international ARGO program.
Rotating Exchange Flows Through Straits with Multiple Channels (abstract in pdf format) as part of a PhD in the Graduate School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and the James Rennell Division at the Southampton Oceanography Centre (SOC), now National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOCS).
Aug/Sep/Oct, 2008 (10 weeks): German Research Vessel Polarstern (cruise ARKXXIII/3, AMEX) ; Canadian and Eurasian Arctic (Deployment of ice-tethered CTD and ADCP profilers, hydrography)
July/Aug/Sep/Oct, 2007 (11 weeks): German Research Vessel Polarstern (cruise ARKXXII/2, SPACE) ; central Eurasian Arctic (Deployment of ice-tethered CTD and ADCP profilers, hydrography)
June/July, 2006 (4 1/2 weeks): German Research Vessel Meteor; tropical Atlantic (ARGO float deployment, hydrography, mooring recovery and deployment)
July/Aug, 2005 (4 1/2 weeks): French Research Vessel Thalassa; Labrador Sea and North Atlantic (Hydrography, mooring recovery and deployment)
May/June, 2005 (2 weeks): French Research vessel Le Suroit; tropical Atlantic (Deployment of ARGO profiling floats, RAFOS floats and servicing of PIRATA subsurface mooring at 23W,0N)
June, 2000 (2 weeks): Italian research vessel Urania; Strait of Sicily (SOC initiative focused on measurements from Autosub in the Strait of Sicily and comparison to Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) and other hydrographic measurements)
Jan/Feb 2000 (6 weeks); Northeast Atlantic RRS Discovery Cruise 24
Other projects:
As part of a summer job in the George Deacon Division in 1998 I was involved in the study of mesoscale processes and processing/analysis of biophysical data from the Discovery Cruise 224 as part of the OMEGA project. Part of the data collected on this cruise formed the basis for my 3rd year research project during my undergraduate degree.