- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0)
Email: a.darnell “at” uea.ac.uk
My PhD research focuses on the use of GIS (Geographical Information Science) for lahar hazard assessment and communication. Lahars are rapidly moving mixtures of volcanic debris and water and pose a significant threat to entities in their path. I work exclusively on the island of Montserrat (Caribbean) mapping and modelling such flows from the Soufriere Hills Volcano. Early results have produced digital representations of topography which coupled with simple cost surface analyses, investigate flow behaviour over terrain through time. More complex GIS- and more physically-based flow models will be examined as the project develops. For the outcome(s) of my research to be beneficial for hazard management, the issue of effective risk communication will be fundamental.
My earlier research has covered aspects of error and its propagation in spatial data; the PhD will benefit from integrating this type of consideration. I also have a keen interest in general aspects of geology and volcanology. I hold an MSc in Environmental Informatics (University of Leicester) and a BSc in Environmental Earth Science (University of Reading).
I am currently joint-funded by ESRC/NERC and under the supervision of Jenni Barclay, Andrew Lovett and Ricky Herd (all at UEA).
Research interests
Efficacy of GIS for hazard and risk assessment
3D measurement, mapping and visualisation (Geomatics)
Error and uncertainty analysis of spatial data
Member of SPIDER network (www.spidernetwork.org)
Member of AGI, RGS-IBG, and British Cartographic Society
In press:
Darnell, A, Lovett, A, Barclay, J, and Herd, R (in press) An application-driven approach to terrain model construction. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Barclay, J and Darnell, A (2009) Finding ways to reduce risk from natural hazards through effective interdisciplinary science: report from an international expert workshop, May 2009. Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report, Issue 15, 67–68.
Darnell, A, and Barclay, J (2009) Fostering interdisciplinary science to improve resilience to natural hazards. Meeting report from: The characterization, communication and mitigation of risks arising from multiple hazards; Norwich, UK, 7–8 May 2009. , Eos Trans. Sept 2009, AGU.
Darnell, A, Tate, N, and Brunsdon, C (2008) Improving user assessment of error implications in digital elevation models. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32, 268–277
Barclay, J, Haynes, K, Mitchell, T, Solana, C, Teeuw, R, Darnell, A, Crosweller, HS, Cole, P, Pyle, D, Lowe, C, Fearnley, C, and Kelman, I (2008) Framing volcanic risk communication within disaster risk reduction: finding ways for the social and physical sciences to work together. In Liverman, DGE, Pereira, CPG and Marker, B (Eds) Communicating Environmental Geoscience. Geological Society London, Special Publications, 305, 163–177.
Conference papers
Darnell, A, Lovett, A, Barclay, J, and Herd, R, (2009) DEM fitness for delineation of lahar inundation hazard zones. GISRUK 2009 Proceedings, University of Durham.
Darnell, A, Barclay, J, Herd, R, and Lovett, A (2008) Hydrological flow-routing vs. existing lahar models for mapping hyperconcentrated lahar extent. IAVCEI 2008 Proceedings, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.
Darnell, A R, Lovett, A, and Barclay, J, (2008) Using GIS to Reproduce Landscape Evolution in Active Volcanic Environments. GISRUK 2008 Proceedings, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Darnell, A (2007) Examining the Efficacy of GIS for Volcanic Risk Analysis on Montserrat. Proceedings of the 5th Geographic Information Days, September 2007, Muenster, Germany.
Darnell, A R, (2007) A Tool for Assessing Error in Digital Elevation Models from a User’s Perspective. GISRUK 2007 Proceedings, University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland.
[2009] PhD – [pending] The use of GIS for Hazard Assessment with Respect to Lahars
[2006] MSc – Uncertainty in Digital Elevation Models: Investigating a Universal Technique for Analysis
[2004] BSc – Geological Constraints on the Siting and Construction of Wigmore Castle, Herefordshire