- Zuckerman Institute for Connective Environmental Research (ZICER)
- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0)
Research interests
I have been involved in various aspects of ecosystem management for eighteen years and I am particularly interested in transdisciplinary research approaches to ecosystem management and governance, with a focus on the landscape and systems scales of ecology and sustainable agriculture, multi-stakeholder engagement, integrated climate governance, sustainability transitions and Geographic Information System (GIS) applications in the above.
Research projects
Email: a.southern ‘at’ uea.ac.uk
Curriculum Vitae
Research Affiliation:
Zuckerman Institute for Connective Environmental
Research (ZICER)
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Earth & Life Systems Alliance (ELSA)
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. (CEEC)
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia (UEA)