Articles for the public
This page contains coverage of our work in the media, as well as a few articles that are more geared towards the public than our normal research articles.
NERC Planet Earth – The Whitehouse Effect. An article from 2003 describing the need for dedicated global aerosol models.
eStrategies – Nucleation and climate. An article in the eStrategies magazine that appeared in 2009 describing our work on nucleation and its importance for climate
Public Service Review – EUCAARI project. An article describing our research in the EUCAARI project
Nature News & Views on Cosmic rays, clouds and climate
CERN Bulletin article on cosmic rays and aerosols
Radical plan to combat global warming ‘may raise temperatures’ – the Independent, June 2010
This article concerns our paper by Korhonen et al. in ACP showing how sea spray geoengineering may not have the desired effect on clouds
The Ozone Hole Is Mending. Now for the ‘But. – New York Times, January 2010’
This article refers to our study in Geophysical Research Letters showing that increases in wind speeds in parts of the southern hemisphere have led to increases in sea spray and brighter clouds. See also
Tree scent helps to create particles in the atmosphere. NERC Planet Earth Magazine, January 2010
The article refers to our paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy (see
Chemical released by trees can help cool planet, scientists find – Guardian, October 2008
Refers to Dom Spracklen’s paper in the Royal Society journal Philosophical Transactions A calculating the effect of emissions from trees on aerosols and clouds. More here