Robin Goodhand: Renewable & Hydrogen Technologies
Welcome to my “research page”. Over the course of the comming year I will be adding details of the Renewable & Hydrogen technologies we have installed at Lews Castle College in the Outer Hebrides [www.lews.uhi.ac.uk]. I shall also be adding my reference to research activities on this equipment.
by passing electricity through water in a “hydrogen electrolyser” we can split water molecules into the constituent hydrogen and oxgyen elements. Storing the hydrogen gas produced (oxgyen can be stored in the atmosphere)is essentially a way of storing the electrical energy we passed through the electrolyser.
we can recover the energy stored in the hydrogen gas on demand for electrical, heating and transport applications, using for example hydrogen fuel cells.
By integrating renewable energy and hydrogen technologies we have the potential to revolutionise the way we use energy. Hydorgen will be a key energy vector in future global sustainable energy systems. The only emission from hydgen fuels is pure water.