- SOLAS UK Project Office
- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- SOLAS UK project Office, University of East Anglia
- School of Environmental Sciences,
- Norwich, Norfolk
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0)
Research Profile
About me
I am currently the UEA-based Science Coordinator for two programmes funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council:
*the UK Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (UK SOLAS www.nerc.ac.uk/research/programmes/solas ), involving over 60 researchers in 28 projects at 19 research organisations. Georgia Bayliss-Brown provides invaluable support for this programme, as Assistant Science Coordinator
*Oceans 2025, the strategic research programme involving seven NERC-funded marine centres (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton; Plymouth Marine Laboratory; Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory; Scottish Association for Marine Science; Marine Biological Association; Sea Mammal Research Unit; Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science; www.oceans2025.org ).
I have previously been the coordinator or manager for six other NERC multi-laboratory programmes, including those on marine biogeochemistry (Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study, BOFS; the main UK contribution to JGOFS); marine biofouling; marine and freshwater microbial biodiversity; and marine productivity (UK GLOBEC)..
After a Natural Sciences (zoology) degree at Cambridge, I did a mix of terrestrial and marine research at Durham, Portsmouth, Naples and Robin Hoods’ Bay. However, most of my career has been based on other people’s science – including work on research administration, programme planning, and knowledge transfer at NERC Swindon Office (twice, in the 1980s and in the 1990s), at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and at the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Stockholm, as Deputy Executive Director. In addition to reports, PR material, grey literature, and a few research papers (on a range of topics, mostly co-authored), I have also produced a DVD “Out of the Blue”, on the ecological, evolutionary and economic importance of marine microbes.