- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- School of Environmental Sciences,
- Norwich, Norfolk
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44
Research Profile
I have been based in the School of Environmental Sciences at the UEA for the past 37 years, researching and teaching many aspects of environmental chemistry. In particular my research has focused on the biogeochemical interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, specialising in the processes of air-sea gas exchange, the mechanisms of trace gas formation in the oceans, and their reactivity and role in the atmosphere. My research group is an integral part of the School’s Laboratory for Global Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry (LGMAC). I have received the Challenger Society Medal, the Plymouth Marine Sciences Medal, and the John Jeyes Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. I served for 5 years on the Natural Environment Research Council, was Chair of the Scientific Committee of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, and am currently Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee for the international SOLAS Project and the Royal Society’s Global Environment Research Committee.