- Netherlands
Research Profile
Gerrit de Leeuw is a Senior Research Fellow at TNO, and visiting professor at the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds (UK). He is soon commencing a full professorship at the University of Helsinki (UHEL)/Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI) in the field of “Climate change and air quality monitoring using satellite and in-situ observations”. With 25 years of experience with aerosol ground based measurements of physical, optical and chemical properties; lidar remote sensing; and air-sea interaction, he has published ca. 70 peer-reviewed articles in the fields of aerosols, remote sensing and ocean-atmosphere interaction. He has also participated in 18 EU projects. He chairs the Programme Committee for Remote Sensing of the Netherlands National Research Foundation NWO-ALW, is a member of the SOLAS International SSC, the WCRP Working Group on Surface Fluxes, the SOLAS IMP2 SC, of the EU FP6 NoE ACCENT AT2 (remote sensing) and Aerosols SSC’s, Associate Editor of JGR-Atmospheres.