- School of Environmental Sciences
- University of East Anglia
- Norwich
- NR4 7TJ
- UK
- +44 (0)
Frida Guiza Valverde
Email: F.Guiza-Valverde“at“uea.ac.uk
My PhD research interests focus on the role of women enhancing resilience to natural disasters in vulnerable communities. I am developing a qualitative methodology to analyse the perspective of women in a disaster situation.
My main theoretical interests are: social vulnerability, political ecology, gender, local knowledge and community participation. Another interest is related on how community actions can improve preparedness and response to disasters in a scarcity context.
My background is in social communication (BA) and political sociology (MSc). I’ve worked for the national TV news, as assistant correspondent in the State of Mexico. I have lectured in the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and I have taken part in the innovative project of the Intercultural University in the State of Mexico, which is trying to reinforce links between indigenous and scientific knowledge, as well as empower local ethnic groups.
The first year of my PhD (2007–08) at the UEA has been sponsored by Talentos programme from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico;the next two years will be sponsored by CONACYT.I have been awarded with scholarship by the University of East Anglia to develop my fieldwork in Mexico.