- Chemische Ozeanographie
- Forschingsbereich Marine Biogeochemie
- Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften
- Düsternbrooker Weg 20
- Kiel
- D-24105
- Germany
- +49 (431) 600 2800
Research Profile
Research interests
I am a chemical oceanographer and my interests lie primarily with the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the ocean. One area of my research relates to the uptake of anthropogenic carbon by the oceans, and especially the problem of its detection and quantification within the interior ocean. In relation to this, a range of anthropogenic halocarbons can be used as tracers. Halocarbons relate to another primary interest: the production and sea-to-air flux of naturally occurring halogenated organics. I am becoming more and more interested in biogeochemical processes that operate in the tropical oceans, including within tropical upwelling zones and oxygen minimum zones. In order to support this, I am working with a team of ocean and atmospheric scientists that are establishing long-term observations of both the ocean and the atmosphere at the Cape Verde Observatory (www.tenatso.com).
Current Major Projects
SOPRAN (Surface Ocean Processes in the ANthropocene: German national contribution to SOLAS). German Ministry for Research and Education. Coordination as well as production of natural halocarbons between Cape Verde and Mauritania.
TENATSO (Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory).
EU. Establishing the ocean time-series.
CARBOOCEAN. EU. Detection of decadal changes in anthropogenic carbon
in the North Atlantic.
Climate-Biogeochemical Interactions in the Tropical Oceans. German
Research Foundation. Coordination and conduct of an in-situ tracer
release experiment in the tropical Atlantic.