- Centre for Atmospheric Science
- School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
- University of Manchester
- Simon Building
- Oxford Road
- Manchester
- M13 9PL
- UK
Research Interests
Convective Storms
My current work is concerned with the development of convective storms and showers over the southern UK (Convective Storm Initiation Project – CSIP) and Germany (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study – COPS). I am working mainly with Prof. Geraint Vaughan at the University of Manchester. I have a few papers coming out soon based on this work so keep an eye out on this page.
Atmospheric Signals in an Antarctic Ice Core
I did my PhD at the University of Birmingham and the British Antarctic Survey; my viva was in April 2005. The aim of that research was to link Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation characteristics to chemical signals in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core. If you’d like to read more about that work then take a look at my publications.
Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)
I chair the committee of the North West local centre of the RMetS so if any of you are in the Manchester area then check out our current schedule of meetings and I’d love to see some of you there. Furthermore, if anyone has any suggestions for meetings or wishes to volunteer to speak at a meeting, I’d be happy to hear from you.
Atmospheric Science Letters (ASL)
I am an Associate Editor of ASL, which is a wholly online journal of the RMetS that publishes short, fully peer reviewed articles in the field of atmospheric and closely related sciences. Click here for the ASL homepage.
General "About Me" Information
I graduated from Imperial College with a BSc in Physics in 2000. Having taken an interest in atmospheric physics and nonlinear dynamical systems, I decided in take an MSc in Mathematical Modelling of the Environment at UEA, graduating in 2001. I then moved to the University of Birmingham to undertake a research project looking to detect atmospheric circulation signals in the chemistry of an Antarctic Peninsula ice core. The project was part supervised by BAS. This work was successful and I graduated in 2005 after which I moved to Manchester to work as a postdoc on a field campaign in the UK with the aim of understanding the upper-level influences on convection in greater detail. This work is ongoing and has expanded to include data analysis from a similar project that was run in Germany.
I am a Fellow of the RMetS (FRMetS), a full member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP), a full member of the American Meteorological Society and an Associate of the Royal College of Science (ARCS).
Links and Email
My website - www.andrewrussell.co.ukMy University of Manchester webpage